The Helpful Hints section listed below is a sampling of the District’s policies and procedures as it relates to Accounts Payable. To obtain complete documentation of financial guidelines, review the Financial Information Resource Manual.
- Travel claims will be processed in accordance to Round Rock ISD policies and guidelines. However, supervisors have the discretion to limit travel reimbursements in order to meet budgetary restrictions.
- Prior approval for reimbursement of travel and supplies must be obtained before expenses are incurred.
Purchase Orders
- Purchase orders must be received online and original invoices received in the Accounts Payable Department in order to process payments.
- When registering for a workshop, conference or paying for a membership, a purchase order may be prepaid. A prepaid purchase order must include documentation for payment such as the conference registration.
- The maximum out-of-pocket expense for a one-time purchase is $250.
- Sales tax will be reimbursed when the total amount of the receipt is claimed.
- When filing a claim for group business meals, list the number and names of attendees and purpose of meal. If the claim is for a staff meal, it is acceptable to just list “staff” and the number of attendees and purpose of the meal.
- State tax will not be reimbursed for a hotel stay. Remember to take a Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax Exempt form.
- List the number of actual miles driven on the travel claim. The mileage reimbursement rate is $0.625 cents per mile (Note: Include documentation that shows estimated mileage. For example: MapQuest, Google Maps etc.) This requirement applies to out-of-state and in-state travel.
Activity Funds
- Employees should never pay Consultants out-of-pocket – all payments for services should be made by District check.
- Claims for reimbursement from the budget must include the original itemized receipt and a copy of the decentralized activity fund check.
- Original documentation is required for payment of purchase orders, P-card statements, travel claims and reimbursements. Claims should be forwarded to Accounting within 30 days. Claims will not be reimbursed when receipts are lost.
Financial Forms
Round Rock ISD financial forms should be completed and submitted according to District policies and procedures.
Please send all invoices, inquiries and documentation to the Accounts Payable e-mail.
Fax: 512-464-5457